Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday Wishes (1)

My friend Brooke over at Bright Wishes has been doing Wednesday Wishes for awhile now. I have enjoyed reading what she wishes for, so I thought why not finally join in? I'm hoping it will kick me back into blogging since I have been out of the groove for awhile. So here's to hoping!

I need A's this semester to get my daycare scholarship for the Fall semester. Cross your fingers.

A flat tummy, I've been working out but I keep cheating and getting lazy late at night.
Eating more healthy to keep my energy up and help with the working out so I get results!
Tanning minutes, I like tanning to keep up my spirits in cloudy weather.
To spend more time cuddling and remembering life is simple and I am lucky with what I have.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Birchbox!

I'm sure you'll hear more about this when I do a compare/contrast with MyGlam and Birchbox.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Me!

Who says you can't wish yourself a happy birthday? I guess it could be considered vain, but isn't blogging about yourself in general a self-centered act? Thus, justifying this post even more so.

My birthday felt weird this year. I'm 89% sure it's because we didn't drink ourselves into stupidity this year. So I am now wondering if I might suffer from slight alcoholism, you can't prove I'm drinking wine right now or as far as I am concerned socially making an ass of yourself by inebriation is acceptable on as many occasions that life will allow you to shed the responsibility of taking care of it for the night and probably two days following while you walk around like a zombie hiding in the shade with the triple blocking sunglasses on - then by all means don't deny fate it's reward of you being a clown. I'll drink to that. Cheers.

Oh, right. Birthday. There wasn't drinking but a tad bit of dinner and studying (thanks life, way to ruin it for me),  but I ended up making Nerd Boy take me to a bakery to get cupcakes - which I promptly picked out Pink Lemonade cupcakes and one Strawberry one. I chose the strawberry one because it didn't have any of those horrible garnishes people put on cupcakes, I don't wanna pick something off the top of it. I just want to devour the entire thing in a matter of seconds and let's face it things that make it "extra pretty" just get in the way of that.

Anyways, it was a pretty tame birthday in the books of this wild cat over here. I also think that for some reason people feel the need to celebrate their 21st birthdays for like 2-3 years following it just to make sure you got the whole experience. So I'm raising my drink up right now Happy 22nd and many more make ups for my 21st follow up birthday to come.
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