Since starting a new job, things have been a little hectic - now that I mention it, things have been hectic since summer. But again, beside the point, for some reason I tend to that more often than any average person. Anyways, the job has clogged up most of my weekends. Which, I don't really mind considering I am very happy with the job I am doing. But missing out on the time spent with V is a little hard to adjust too. I have spaced out my days off so we are able to spend some quality time together.
Yesterday, we chose to go to the Children's Museum, V actually woke up at the crack of dawn and was like "trick you going to take me to the museum or what?" Okay, technically those weren't her words but let's be real - at 6:30am that's what I am hearing. I made some waffles and we were off...
First we stopped by the alphabet room, and she played with some ducks. It was really hard to find an enjoyable area of the museum, I guess Thursdays are "bad days to go to the museum", there were at least 100 kids there. It was pretty chaotic, but we eventually found a quiet place where we could enjoy our time there.
We also found a lion, and check out V's sweet wispy hair! She probably needs a hair cut, but who has time for that? Not this gal. That's for sure. She had fun piling the lions on top of each other and pretending to ride them.
So, after we climbed a couple of bean stalks and V told me that the "giant" was actually a balloon and Mother Goose's golden egg. Obviously, my entire childhood memories were crushed upon learning this. We proceeded to the art room, which is literally the only quiet hub in the entire museum, I was thankfully my child is so artistic that she is satisfied sitting still in a room painting in a smock for an hour. After that, we had some snacks, played in the library and art room some more and called it a day.
Wondering what's going on today? Nothing really. A bunch of ice falling from the sky ruining my work schedule. I'm getting some extra days off, but not by choice. Grumble.
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