Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Private blogs? Such a drag!

If you hadn't noticed for the past couple of weeks my blog has been private. Most of you requested to read my private entry about the scary reality of the internet while some of you didn't (I'm looking at you Amanda Mande). If you did, you know this is a huge step for me - and if you didn't? Yeah, you probably didn't give a shit to begin with.

Anyways, I am back but with a little more censorship on certain things - like my name and location, and you'll even notice my child is now officially named Offspring. I promise not to censor my pictures with giant bars over the eyes or pixelated faces, even though I think that would be interesting. Am I really safe from the big scary intermonster? Probably not. But, I have been blogging for half of my life and as sad as it sounds, I really don't know what to do without anymore.

So here I am internet. Chest puffed out, kissing my guns, and sporting this sticker on my left check just to let you know I'm all business.
Intimidating, right?!

Socially acceptable unsocial blog world, welcome me back!


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